Hier's 'n interessante een...
'n Dude in Alstead, New Hampshire, het met 'n killer idee opgekom om geld uit die wegraping te maak. Basies wat hy doen is verseker mense wat moontlik weggeraap gaan word (seker maar bepaal op hul eie diskressie?) dat hulle honde deur 'n ateïs opgepas sal word wanneer hulle in 'n beter plek is.
Welkom by Eternal Earthbound Pets.
Hy het ook gesê sy werknemers sal "beslis" nie hemel toe gaan nie aangesien hulle almal die Heilige Gees in skrif vervloek het (ja... hectic) - die onvergeefbare sonde.
Al wat jy hoef te doen is om $110 op te dok, met enige ekstra troeteldiertjies wat slegs $15 bo-op dit is.
Check die FAQ's uit op die site. Crazy crazy crazy.
Q: Is this a Joke?
A: No. This is a serious offer to our Christian friends
Q: Can I meet or communicate with my rescue representative?
A: Sorry, No. Our representatives' information are held in strict confidence.
Q: When the Rapture occurs, how long before my pet is rescued?
A: The timing is contingent on the number of subscribers we have in each state/region and travel distance. Our rescuers know that this is a time sensitive service. Pets' lives are at stake. We will limit the number of subscribers in each zone so that any given rescuer will not be over burdened.
Vir nog, check http://eternal-earthbound-pets.com uit.
My gunsteling quote uit die terms & conditions:
If subscriber loses his/her faith and/or the Rapture occurs and subscriber is not Raptured (aka is "left behind") EE-BP disclaims any liability; no refund will be tendered.
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